Black&Red Rose Bouquet
Bring this black&red rose bouquet to someone who is cool in some special day or just in normal day to meet.
* SHU FLORA only use High Quality, Fresh Roses, imported from Eco & Socially Responsible farms.
* Our dyed-roses are spray-painted from the rose farm, please understand that there will be slight color difference on every rose everytime.
* Your message will be hand-written.
* Each bouquets are unique in their own way. Your bouquet may vary based on the design style and availability of materials and packaging that you selected.
* Your delivery rate will be determined at checkout according to your postal code. The lead time of this product could be 1-3 days. Please call to confirm the availability for high quality roses before placing an order.
Add-on Item(Only for Roses Bouquet)
SHU FLORA gift bag
Purchase flower over 158cad will get a gift bag for free.
Please leave your message in the message area. | Polaroid photo card:your message will be write on the back side of the card. | Acrylic pressed flower card: your message will be write on the front side of the card.