Galaxy Preserved Rose Bouquet
This modern design bouquet is made by preserved roses. It's one of the surprise idea to someone who is cool and sexy.
The Preserved Rose can last at least 3-5 years(NO DERECT SUNSHINE, KEEP DRY, REDUCE TOUCH)
All Preserved roses are real and natural roses processed by a series of complex processes, such as dehydration, decolorization, and drying. Preserved Rose are almost the same as real rose in terms of color, shape and feel of tough.
* Your message will be hand-written.
* Your delivery rate will be determined at checkout according to your postal code. For same-day orders please place order before 11am.
!!!!!!!!!!!Please leave your message in the message area!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Polaroid photo card:your message will be write on the back side of the card. | Acrylic pressed flower card: your message will be write on the front side of the card by white mark pen